今日は、スポーツブランドの雑誌撮影📷´-でした(*๓´˘`๓)💖 カジュアルなコーデも꒰՞⸝⸝⊃ ·̫ <՞꒱💕大好きです❣️
"Draw a beautiful idol posing like a model for a magazine cover, smiling warmly. She is wearing a turtleneck and an MA-1 jacket. Her lustrous long white hair flows elegantly, and her large, pale green eyes are expressive. Depict the character in an illustration style using thin lines for delie detailing. Focus on the upper body from the knees up. The background should feature an urban cityscape, with the character shown from the side.",longhair,mini skirt,green eyes,day,city